Filmography of Pavuls
One of the notable roles of the actor was the image of Oscar in the film «Son of a Fisherman» (1957). He played here the son of his people, who with all his might strives to defend his rights to life, to a dignified existence. This is the life drama of not one person, but a whole generation of fishermen who dream of a better life.
The image of Oscar is very indicative even for modern young people: he seemed to be ahead of his time and did not want to put up with the old order. He was not an outstanding person, but his self-esteem helped him not to become a dependent slave.
Pavuls succeeded in this image also because his manner of organic truthfulness allowed not to dramatize events too much, but to show that this is just such a life.
After this film, Eduard was threatened with the fate of remaining in this role of a courageous hero forever. However, he was saved by a noble appearance: an intelligent face, an open look, a charming smile. Therefore, the roles were very different. And it also helped that in the theater he had already played Romeo, which means that he already had some kind of range.
In the film «Rita» the actor had to play a very difficult role: a fighter hiding in the attic of a school in Latvia. Pauls masterfully played the laconic Sergei, but as his eyes said! They expressed so much that words were not needed at all. They had anxiety for their comrades, fear, gratitude for salvation, guilt for inaction, and much more. And how those eyes shone when Sergei burst out of the enemy’s encirclement by car!
And yet Pavuls often had to play fishermen, but here too he found how they could differ: he seemed to plunge into the hero and learn everything about him. It doesn’t matter that the fishing robe and boots were the same for all fishermen. At Pavuls, they were all different. There was one thing in common: the poetry of the images. And this also expressed the actor’s love for his characters.
In the comedy «Bicycle Tamers» (1963) Eduard Karlovich played a teacher in love with the heroine Lyudmila Gurchenko. As it turned out, both the comedy genre is within his power, and the admirer, he can play great.
After becoming famous in Latvia, Pavuls began to receive invitations to shoot in films of the republics of the USSR, and his name can be seen in many films.
The last work of the actor — the role of the Maestro in the film «The Mystery of the Old Council» (2000).
For his work, Eduard Karlovich was awarded many high awards: he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Badge of Honor. And also Pavuls became a laureate of the State Prize of the Latvian SSR and a laureate of the State Prize of the USSR for his work in cinematography.
Very little is known about the artist’s personal life: he was married, his wife’s name was Lilia. She accompanied him on his last journey in 2006, when actors and spectators came to the Rainis Theater to say goodbye to Eduard Karlovich.
- 1957 — После шторма — Юрис (озвучивал Пётр Горин)
- 1960 — Отпрыск рыбака — Оскар
- 1958 — Красноватые листья — Андрей Метельский
- 1958 — Повесть о латышском стрелке — Янка Пипар
- 1958 — Рита — Сергей
- 1959 — Илзе — Рудольф
- 1961 — Обманутые — учитель Янис
- 1962 — Спасибо за весну — Межмалис
- 1963 — Укротители велосипедов — Роберт Алас, юный учитель
- 1964 — Капитан Нуль — капитан Валдис Нуль
- 1964 — Криницы — Михась Лемяшевич
- 1965 — Комплот послов — Яков Петерс
- 1966 — Эдгар и Кристина — Сутка
- 1967 — Я всё помню, Ричард — Ричард
- 1968 — 24-25 не ворачивается — Юрис Межулис
- 1968 — Армия «Трясогузки» опять в бою — Лапотник
- 1968 — Когда дождик и ветер стучат в окно — Карнитис
- 1969 — Времена землемеров — Пратниекс
- 1969 — У богатой госпожи — Ольгерт Курмис
- 1970 — Насыпь — старик Озолс
- 1970 — Слуги беса — Эрманис
- 1971 — В тени погибели — Гринталс
- 1971 — Город под липами — Бунка
- 1971 — Тростниковый лес — Пусстабс
- 1972 — Слуги беса на чертовой мельнице — Эрманис
- 1973 — Афера Цеплиса — Эдгар Цеплис
- 1973 — Подарок одинокой даме — Сиетиньш
- 1975 — В клешнях чёрного рака
- 1975 — Мой друг — человек несерьёзный — управляющий отдела кадров
- 1975 — Стрелы Робин Гуда — отец Тук
- 1976 — Мастер — живописец
- 1977 — Будьте моей тёщей! — директор музея
- 1978 — Театр — Джим Лонгтон
- 1979 — За стеклянной дверцей
- 1979 — На ринг вызывается…
- 1979 — Незаконченный ужин — дебошир на лестнице
- 1980 — Братья Рико — Малакс
- 1981 — Долгая дорога в дюнах — Якоб Озолс
- 1981 — Три денька на размышление — сосед Дуршиса
- 1981 — Держать в голове либо запамятовать — Бертуланс
- 1983 — Каменистый путь
- 1983 — Короткое наставление в любви
- 1983 — Выстрел в лесу — Лиепсаргс
- 1984 — Когда сдают тормоза — Август Дрейманис
- 1984 — Долг в любви — Эдис
- 1985 — Двойной капкан — полковник Вельста
- 1985 — Фронт в отчем доме — Карлис
- 1986 — Кин-дза-дза!
- 1986 — Ужас
- 1987 — Объезд
- 1990 — Семья Зитаров — Зитарс
- 1992 — Дуплет — капитан
- 1998 — Ужасное лето — Язеп Пошкус
- 2000 — Мистерия старенькой управы — Маэстро
Eduard Karlovich Pavuls was born in 1929 in Jurmala. Their family lived very poorly, and their father had to work in the most difficult jobs. Edward wanted to become a fisherman like his father, but he saw how hard work it was. Then he thought that it was better for him to become a naval sailor, because he loved the sea very much.
However, fate willed that one day Edward would go to Riga for a short time and go to a play there in one of the theaters. This completely turned all his plans upside down, radically changed his dreams — he realized that he wanted to become an artist. And I started looking for where you can get an education as a theater actor.
And I found a studio at the Rainis Theater in the same place, in Riga. He graduated from the Pauls studio in 1949 and remained in the troupe of this theater. Here he was a leading actor for thirty-five years — until 1985. And then he was simply fired because he began to get sick a lot. In an interview, Pavuls spoke about this with bitterness, but such is the fate of the artists.
But in the theater, Edward played a lot of wonderful roles, and the very first role was just a dream of any young actor — this is the role of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet of the unforgettable Shakespeare. Vija Artmane became his partner, the same famous actress in the future as Pavuls himself.
After his dismissal, he came to the theater only twenty-two years later, at the request of Viya Artmane — they had an anniversary almost at the same time: 75 years. He could not refuse his partner in many films, and the holiday turned out to be great.
Film career
In 1957, the young actor starred in the film «After the Storm» — it was his debut. The requirements for young actors at that time were very tough. And, judging by the fact that in the same year Pavuls was invited to another film, he passed the test perfectly. Moreover, the next film was called «The Son of a Fisherman.» So, it was a film about himself.
Pavuls himself in his filmography liked the films «Servants of the Devil», «Double Trap» and «Theater» more. He considered them «real».
And critics also consider the films «Arrows of Robin Hood» (1975) and «Kin-dza-dza» (1986) to be the best films with his participation. And also the series «The Long Road in the Dunes» (1980-1981).
Pavuls received the title of People’s Artist of the Latvian ASSR in 1966, when he was thirty-seven years old. This can be considered a success, because awards and titles were handed out very sparingly at that time.
One of the memorable memories of the filming, which Eduard Karlovich told about in one interview, was a scene from the movie «Theater» (1978). According to the plot, the hero of Pavuls had to slap Viya Artmana in the face. He did not calculate the force of the blow, and the actress from his slap flew to the wall. He was terribly frightened then, Viya laughed, and the director was pleased: the scene turned out to be very natural.
Эдуард Павулс родился 7 июля 1929 года, в семье Карлиса Павулса и его жены Анны. Родители познакомились во время Первой мировой войны. Семья жила трудно, отцу пришлось работать в разных местах: он был пожарным, рыбаком, работал на дубултской лесопилке.
«Ромео и Джульетта» — Вия Артмане и Эдуард Павулс, 1953 год
Детство Эдуарда прошло в Юрмале. Как любой мальчишка из послевоенного приморского города мечтал о карьере военного моряка.
В 1949 году окончил театральную студию при Художественном академическом театре им. Я. Райниса.
С по 1985 год Эдуард Павулс был ведущим актёром театра им. Я. Райниса.
В 1953 году был поставлен спектакль «Ромео и Джульетта» по пьесе Уильяма Шекспира в которой Павулс получил свою первую главную роль — Ромео. Роль Джульетты исполнила Вия Артмане.
В 1957 году Эдуард Павулс дебютировал в кино, первый фильм с его участием «После шторма». В этом же году Павулс получает главную роль в картине «Сын рыбака».
Режиссёр Варис Брасла в снял документальный фильм «Kā tev klājas, Eidi?» (Как живётся, «Эйди?»), посвящённый творчеству Э. Павулса.
Эдуард Павулс ушёл из жизни 14 июля 2006 года в Риге в возрасте 77 лет.