Legal process
Chapman was charged with second-degree murder. He told police that he had used hollow-point bullets «to ensure Lennon’s death». Gloria Chapman had known of her husband’s preparations for killing Lennon, but she took no action because Chapman did not follow through at the time; she was not charged. Chapman later said that he harbored a «deep-seated resentment» toward his wife, «that she didn’t go to somebody, even the police, and say, ‘Look, my husband’s bought a gun and he says he’s going to kill John Lennon.'»
Mental state assessment
More than a dozen psychologists and psychiatrists interviewed Chapman in the six months prior to his trial—three for the prosecution, six for the defense, and several more on behalf of the court—and they conducted a battery of standard diagnostic procedures and more than 200 hours of clinical interviews. All six defense experts concluded that Chapman was psychotic; five diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia, while the sixth felt that his symptoms were more consistent with manic depression. The three prosecution experts declared that his delusions fell short of psychosis and instead diagnosed various personality disorders. The court-appointed experts concurred with the prosecution’s examiners that he was delusional yet competent to stand trial. In the examinations, Chapman was more cooperative with the prosecution’s mental health experts than with those for the defense; one psychiatrist conjectured that he did not wish to be considered «crazy» and was persuaded that the defense experts only declared him insane because they were hired to do so.
Charles McGowan had been pastor of Chapman’s church in Decatur, Georgia, and he visited Chapman. «I believe there was a demonic power at work,» he said. Chapman initially embraced his old religion with new fervor as a result; but McGowan revealed information to the press that Chapman had told him in confidence, so Chapman disavowed his renewed interest in Christianity and reverted to his initial explanation: he had killed Lennon to promote the reading of The Catcher in the Rye.
Guilty plea
Chapman’s court-appointed lawyer Herbert Adlerberg withdrew from the case amid threats of lynching. Police feared that Lennon fans might storm the hospital, so they transferred Chapman to Rikers Island for his personal safety.
At the initial hearing in January 1981, Chapman’s new lawyer Jonathan Marks instructed him to enter a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. In February, Chapman sent a handwritten statement to The New York Times urging everyone to read The Catcher in the Rye, calling it an «extraordinary book that holds many answers.» The defense team sought to establish witnesses as to Chapman’s mental state at the time of the killing. However, Chapman told Marks in June that he wanted to drop the insanity defense and plead guilty. Marks objected with «serious questions» over Chapman’s sanity and legally challenged his competence to make this decision. In the pursuant hearing on June 22, Chapman said that God had told him to plead guilty and that he would not change his plea or ever appeal, regardless of his sentence. Marks told the court that he opposed Chapman’s change of plea but Chapman would not listen to him. Judge Dennis Edwards refused a further assessment, saying that Chapman had made the decision of his own free will, and declared him competent to plead guilty.
Sentencing hearing
The sentencing hearing took place on August 24, 1981. Two experts gave evidence on Chapman’s behalf. Judge Edwards interrupted Dorothy Lewis, a research psychiatrist who was relatively inexperienced in the courtroom, indicating that the purpose of the hearing was to determine the sentence and there was no question of Chapman’s criminal responsibility. Lewis had maintained that Chapman’s decision to change his plea did not appear reasonable or explicable, and she implied that the judge did not want to allow an independent competency assessment. The district attorney argued that Chapman committed the murder as an easy route to fame. Chapman was asked if he had anything to say, and he rose and read a passage from The Catcher in the Rye in which Holden tells his little sister Phoebe what he wants to do with his life:
The judge ordered psychiatric treatment for Chapman during his incarceration and sentenced him to 20 years to life, 5 years less than the maximum sentence of 25 years to life.
Where Is John Lennon Murder Convict Mark David Chapman Now? His Sentence
In the year 2022, Mark David Chapman will continue to serve his sentence. Meanwhile, he is set to appear at his 12th parole hearing this year.
His 11th parole application was refused in 2011, and he will have another opportunity in 2022. His sentence was 20 years to life at Wende Correctional Facility, which is located east of Buffalo, at the time of the incident.
John Lennon was killed by David McCullough just a few hours after receiving an autograph on an album from him. According to the news, David is becoming more and more ashamed of his actions with each passing day.
Despite the fact that David was a fan of John Lennon and The Beatles, John’s point of view triggered him. In 2018, he told the parole board that he had gone too far in his punishment.
Remembering the day, he also shared that David had considered returning home after receiving the autograph on the CD at one time, according to him. He, on the other hand, did not return home, but instead shot Lannon from a few yards away.
He was apprehended swiftly by police, and he was eventually convicted to a life sentence in prison. The convicted assassin of John Lennon has been condemned to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Сразу после окончания школы Чепмен не пошел получать профессию, некоторое время жил в Чикаго и там играл на гитаре в местных клубах, а также не забывал про посещение церквей, поскольку еще находился в составе «Ассоциации молодых христиан». Парень много работал и помогал детям
Одновременно с тем работал в лагере для беженцев, многие отзывались о нем положительно, отмечая внимание и заботу
Вернувшись обратно, Марк поступает в евангелистский гуманитарный колледж. К тому моменту группа «The Beatles» уже распалась, парня вновь начинают одолевать мысли о кумире. Это мешает ему учиться, Чепмен сильно отстает от сокурсников и не успевает осваивать материал, поэтому был отчислен после 1-го семестра.
В свободное время он перечитывает роман Джерома Сэлинджера «Над пропастью во ржи» и часто примеряет на себя образ главного персонажа Холдена Колфилда, который подвергает сомнению ценности общества и часто отвергает принятые в нем нормы.
Покинув колледж, Чепмен возвращается работать в лагерь для переселенцев, но вскоре из-за ссоры с руководством уходит оттуда. После этого некоторое время работает охранником. Весь этот период он находится в депрессии, из которой не может выйти, а чуть позднее отправляется на Гавайи, где совершает попытку самоубийства. Мужчину отправляют в психиатрическую больницу и ставят диагноз «клиническая депрессия». Тем временем родители Марка разводятся, и мать приезжает к сыну на Гавайи. Некоторое время он находился на лечении, а позднее выписался.
В 24 года Чепмен отправляется в 6-недельное путешествие по миру, он посетил Бангкок и Сингапур, Сеул, Женеву, Дели и другие города. После женитьбы в 1979 году работал ночным сторожем, в тот период мужчина сильно пил, и на этом фоне у Марка появляются навязчивые идеи. В его голове странный симбиоз – взгляды автора книги «Над пропастью во ржи» Сэлинджера и певца Леннона перемешиваются с необъяснимым желанием получить славу и любовь.
Одновременно с этим мужчина начинает воображать себя Ленноном и Колфилдом в одном лице, постепенно лишаясь возможности разумно мыслить. Причем он сам осознавал проблему и как-то даже написал письмо подруге Линде Айриш, в котором были слова «Я схожу с ума».
Детство и юность
Марк родился в Форт-Уэрте, американском штате Техас, весной 1955 года. Его отец служил в ВВС США в должности старшего сержанта, а мать работала медсестрой.
В семье Чепмен был еще один ребенок – дочь Сьюзен, она на 7 лет младше брата. Детство мальчика протекало сложно, по признанию Марка, когда он был маленьким, не любил отца и очень его боялся, поскольку он часто обижал мать и даже мог поднять на нее руку.
Образование мальчик получал в средней школе в округе Декейтер, Джорджия. В 10 лет у него стала проявляться любовь к группе «The Beatles», он даже научился играть на гитаре и выступал в школьной рок-группе, долго собирал пластинки любимых музыкантов. Любовь к артистам отображалась и во внешнем виде комнаты Марка, которую тот оклеил плакатами и фото Джона Леннона и другими участниками коллектива. В подражание кумирам он одевался подобно им и даже отрастил длинные волосы.
Мальчик из неблагополучной семьи не отличался хорошей учебой, а в 14 лет и вовсе стал прогуливать уроки и впервые попробовал наркотики. В 15 лет Марк сбегает из дома и следующие 2 недели бродяжничает на улицах Атланты. Поспособствовали тому и издевательства со стороны одноклассников.
Чепмен не был спортивным, поэтому его часто обижали и даже били. Вскоре он вернулся в родную школу и продолжил обучение.
За время отсутствия юноша вступил в «Ассоциацию молодых христиан» и активно продвигал интересы организации. Вера в Бога, которая с тех пор стала неотъемлемой частью его биографии, кардинально изменила и внешний облик.
С тех пор он стал носить аккуратную короткую стрижку, надевал всегда только белую выглаженную рубашку с галстуком и строгий костюм. А на переменах только и делал, что читал Священное Писание. В тот же период парень стал распродавать собираемые годами битловские пластинки.
Chapman Mark David was born on May 10, 1955 inthe family of a sergeant of the US armed forces and a nurse in Texas. The family did not differ well-being, the boy’s parents often quarreled, did not pay attention to the child and were not engaged in his upbringing. Wanting to hide from scandals and noise, Mark always sought refuge. Being a little older, he began to run away from home, just to not hear the abuse. Already in childhood he creates his own fictional world, in which there is no fear, understanding and love reign. All subsequent life, Mark spoke with great dislike about his parents, especially about his father.
Chapman today
Chapman is still in prison today, and has had 12 requests for parole refused since he became eligible in 2000.
At this time, Correctional Association of New York lawyer Robert Gangi said that he thought it unlikely that Chapman would ever be freed because the board would not risk the “political heat” of releasing John Lennon’s killer.
Ono has also stated that if Chapman were released, she and Lennon’s sons would not feel safe for the rest of their lives. “I am afraid it will bring back the nightmare, the chaos and confusion once again,” she added in an open letter.
He remains married to his wife, Gloria, who continues to visit him in jail, and Chapman’s thirteenth parole hearing is scheduled for February 2024.
John Lennon: Murder Without A Trial streams on Apple TV+ now.
Obsession and Shame
Like many teens of the era, Mark developed an obsession with the Beatles and their music; especially John Lennon. And like many teens of the era, Mark learned a few chords on the guitar to emulate his idols. But Mark soon came to despise himself for this obsession.
In 1971, Mark became infatuated with Christianity and he became a born-again Christian. Therefore, Lennon’s 1966 statement that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus, was considered blasphemy. Mark began to equate Lennon with the devil and loathed himself for being taken in.
At age 16, Mark met his first girlfriend, Jessica Blankenship. He began working as a summer-camp counselor at the South DeKalb County, Georgia YMCA. After graduating high school, Mark left home and moved to Chicago. There, he played guitar in churches and Christian night spots; basking in the attention it garnered him.
Following a trip to Lebanon, where he trained as a counselor for the Christian outreach organization World Vision International, he relocated to Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. He counseled Vietnamese refugees at a resettlement camp there.
Lennon signing an autograph for Chapman. Photograph by Paul Goresh, 1980
The Shots Heard Around the World
On December 6, 1980, Mark Chapman bought a copy of Lennon’s Double Fantasy at a New York City record shop then camped outside the Dakota. Two days later, album in hand, Chapman watched as Lennon exited the building at about 5:50 pm on his way to a recording session. He then headed for his waiting limo.
As captured by an amateur photographer whose photo is now famous, a smiling Lennon stopped to autograph the album cover for Chapman. But then Chapman did something that in retrospect was an indication of an ulterior motive. He placed his prized autographed album atop a nearby planter and walked away.
Around 10:30 that evening, Lennon returned from the studio–and Chapman was waiting.
As Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono stepped out of the limo, Chapman raised his gun and fired several shots. He hit Lennon four times in the back and shoulder.
When New York City Police officers arrived at the murder scene they discovered Chapman calmly leafing through a copy of The Catcher in the Rye. He offered no resistance. One hour later, Lennon was pronounced dead at nearby Roosevelt Hospital.
When news of Lennon’s death hit the media, Chapman’s wife knew instantly what her husband had done.
Mark David Chapman: Age, Birthdate, Religion, and BirthPlace
Many of you may want to know more about Mark David Chapman so here we also cover other personal details.
In this section, you will get Mark David Chapman age, birthday, religion, hometown, food habits, and birthplace details.
Age (2021) |
65 years |
Birthplace |
Fort Worth, Texas, United States |
Date Of Birth |
10 May 1955 |
Sunsign |
Taurus |
Hometown |
Fort Worth, Texas, United States |
Food Habits |
Not Available |
Nationality |
United States |
Mark David Chapman was born on 10 May 1955 in Fort Worth, Texas, United States. Mark David Chapman age is 65 years as of in 2021 and his birthplace is Fort Worth, Texas, United States.
Currently, he is living in the Fort Worth, Texas, United States and working as Killer.
By nationality, he is United States and currently, his food habit is non-vegetarian.
He belongs to the Christian community and he is proud of this. He also worships all the God and Goddess, and also celebrates all the festivals.
His hobby is acting. He loves doing acting in movies and shows.
Фанат, одержимый Битлз , Чепмен увидел в Джоне Ленноне героя, который позволит ему преодолеть его умирающую жизнь. Он утверждал, что безгранично восхищается своим кумиром и зашел так далеко, что женился на гавайке японского происхождения, чтобы произвести впечатление супружеской пары Леннон- Йоко Оно . Но, разочарованный ситуацией, которая не улучшилась, он обвинил того, кто обманул его в своих надеждах: Джона Леннона, которого он теперь считал лицемером и предателем, прежде всего в отношении религии, в своих предложениях: «Не воображайте никакой религии ». и « Сегодня мы популярнее Иисуса » . Как он читал в прессе, Чепмен, казалось, чувствовал, что Джон Леннон предал свое послание о мире и братстве между людьми, что он стал миллиардером и вел буржуазную жизнь и что он не распределял свои деньги среди бедных. .
В интервью Линн Шульц 26 декабря 2006 г.Чепмен оправдывался: «Леннон говорит нам представить мир без собственности, а вот он с миллионами долларов, яхтами, недвижимостью и инвестициями в недвижимость, высмеивая людей вроде меня, которые поверили его лжи и купили его записи, построив большая часть нашей жизни связана с его музыкой. »
Он признал, несмотря ни на что, что он решил убить Джона Леннона, чтобы стать также известным (и что его имя определенно было связано со славой Леннона), имея другие потенциальные цели ( Джонни Карсон или Элизабет Тейлор ), если ему не удастся убить Леннона.
Марк Чепмен был поклонником книги Дж. Д. Сэлинджера «Над пропастью сердец» , которую он держал с собой во время убийства (как и Джон Хинкли , одинокий боевик, который пытался убить Рональда Рейгана четыре месяца спустя, копия хранилась в номере отеля, с брошюрой Washington Post о Ленноне); он также зарекомендовал себя как заядлый читатель Библии .
The Catcher in the Rye
At the urging of a friend, Mark read the J.D. Salinger novel, The Catcher in the Rye. He immediately identified with the story’s 16-year-old disillusioned protagonist, Holden Caulfield. (Caulfield condemns the “phoniness” of the adult world after being expelled from prep school).
Increasingly empathetic to the character, Mark decided that there were several celebrity phonies who didn’t deserve to go on living. Among these were Johnny Carson, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul McCartney, and John Lennon—whom he decided was nothing but a fraud who valued money and fame over music.
By 1980, Mark’s depression, fascination with suicide, and obsessive thoughts were spiraling out of control; his mind was fixated on killing John Lennon. He began drinking heavily and, according to his wife, became increasingly physically abusive toward her.
In October of that year after a trip to New York City, Mark confessed to his wife that he’d gone to New York to kill Lennon, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. She assumed that meant he’d changed his mind.
Mark David Chapman: Height, Weight, And Body Measurements
Mark David Chapman height is 6 feet 0 inches tall and he looks tall when standing with his friends. Though he is a little tall as compared to his friends still he manages to maintain his weight.
His weight isaround 68KG and he always exercises to maintain that. He loves to do exercises regularly and also tells others to do that.
According to Mark David Chapman, you must have to do exercise regularly to stay fit. His body measurements are not available currently, but we will update it very soon.
Height |
In Centimeter: 182 cm In Meter: 1.8 m In Feet: 6’0″ |
Weight |
In Kilograms: 70 Kg In Pound: 154 lbs |
Body Measurements |
Not Available |
Shoe Size |
8 UK |
Eye Color |
Black |
Hair Color |
Blue |
Mark David Chapman shoe size is 8 UK and he loves to wear casual shoes. Half of his time spends wearing casual shoes, he also wore formals when going outside.
He has a collection of more than 100 formal shoes and his wife likeshis collection. Mark David Chapman loves to buy new shoes every month when he has some time to go shopping.
He has beautiful Black eyes that attract the viewer’s attention. Mark David Chapman is kind of black and blue hair that always enlarges his beauty.
Book, interviews, and media appearances
Chapman refused all requests for interviews following the murder and during his first six years at Attica, later saying that he did not want to give the impression that he killed Lennon for fame and notoriety. James R. Gaines interviewed him and wrote a three-part, 18,000-word People magazine series starting in 1981 and climaxing in February and March 1987. Chapman told the parole board that he regretted the interview. He later gave a series of audio-taped interviews to Jack Jones of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, and Jones published Let Me Take You Down: Inside the Mind of Mark David Chapman, the Man Who Killed John Lennon in 1992.
On December 4, 1992, ABC’s 20/20 aired an interview with Barbara Walters, Chapman’s first television interview. On December 17, 1992, Larry King interviewed Chapman on his CNN program Larry King Live. Jones asked Chapman to tell his story for Mugshots, a CourtTV program in 2000, with his first parole hearing approaching. Chapman refused to go on camera but consented to tell his story in a series of audiotapes.
Instability and The Catcher in the Rye Conspiracy
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During the trial, Chapman was determined by psychological professionals to be psychotic, a paranoid schizophrenic, and possibly suffering from manic depression. Without access to their assessment, this conclusion is supported by his erratic behavior throughout his life.
One of these examples is the way he latched on to a book assigned to high school students to read, call The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. The book, for years, has held much controversy. This book was found amongst Champan’s possessions after the murder. The book really seemed to take a hold on Chapman. He identified with the young protagonist of the book feeling unheard and isolated. He started calling himself and signing letters by the name of the book’s protagonist, Holden Caulfield.
In the month before killed Lennon, he also flew back and forth between New York and Hawaii where he was living with his wife, Gloria, his former travel agent. His mood swings were one of two things: killing himself or killing John Lennon.
New Horizons
Mark Chapman, whose story makes coolturn, varies greatly. He disappears from his native city for almost a year, and nothing is known about this period of his life. After his return, Mark changed a lot: he cut off his hair, changed his jeans and T-shirt to a white shirt and tie, and began selling his collection of Beatles records.
The changes are related to his new hobby, this oneOnce the idol became Jesus Christ. Chapman joined the Association of Young Christians, imbued with their ideas, now he reads the Bible and becomes a passionate activist of the movement. He again wants glory, but now through the path to God. His world view receives reinforcements in the faith, he associates himself with his idols, and, as he once wanted to be like Lennon, now he longs for the path, like Christian activists, and, perhaps, like Christ himself.
The young man in his heart was a void, which he tried hard to fill with something. Mark wanted to become a good citizen, an activist of the AMH, perhaps even its leader.

Связанные события
Имя / событие | Дата | Язык | ||
1 | Житель Рязанской области застрелил 5 человек, которые громко разговаривали у него под окнами | 04.04.2020 | ru | |
2 | В Благовещенске студент устроил стрельбу в колледже. Двое убитых | 14.11.2019 | ru | |
3 | Rīgā, Biķernieku ielā 58 — četrkārtīga slepkavība | 13.12.1989 | lv | |
4 | Пол Маккартни сформировал новую группу — «Wings» | 03.08.1971 | en, lv, ru | |
5 | Песня «Битлз» «Hey Jude», посвящённая Полом Маккартни сыну Джона Леннона Джулиану, возглавила хит-парад США на 9 недель. | 28.09.1968 | lv, ru | |
6 | Tiek izlaists pirmais The Beatles singls Lielbritānijā «Love Me Do». Tas aptaujās ieņem 14. vietu karalistē, bet 2 gadus vēlāk 1. vietu ASV | 05.10.1962 | lv |
Killing John Lennon
In 1980, Lennon released the album Double Fantasy, his first record release in years, bringing the ex-Beatle out of seclusion and putting him back in the spotlight. On December 6, 1980, Chapman purchased Double Fantasy at a New York record store.
Two days later, with the album in hand, Chapman waited outside the Dakota, Lennon’s posh Manhattan apartment building. He watched as Lennon exited the building at approximately 5:50 p.m., on his way to a recording session, and walked toward his limo. A smiling Lennon generously agreed to autograph the album for Chapman while an amateur photographer clicked a photograph. Chapman then, strangely, placed his newly autographed album atop a nearby planter.
Around 10:30 that evening, Lennon returned home in his limo. Chapman was waiting. This time, he was after much more than an autograph. As Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, left the car, Chapman raised his gun and fired several shots at the musician, hitting him four times in the back and shoulder. Ono, who was standing next to her husband, witnessed the incident. Lennon was pronounced dead just one hour later, at nearby Roosevelt Hospital.
When New York City police officers arrived at the scene, they discovered Chapman casually thumbing through a copy of J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. The following day, the world grieved for Lennon. A vigil was held outside of the Dakota, drawing thousands of anguished fans.
Как Марк Дэвид Чепмен стал убийцей Джона Леннона
Bettmann / Getty Images Йоко Оно утверждает, что видела призрак Джона Леннона в Дакоте с момента его убийства в 1980 году.
Марк Дэвид Чепмен родился 10 мая 1955 года в Форт-Уэрте, штат Техас. Его отец, старший сержант ВВС США Дэвид Чепмен, подвергал свою мать, работавшую медсестрой, физическому насилию.
В интервью журналисту Джеймсу Р. Гейнсу Чепмен объяснил: «Он избил бы ее. Я просыпался, слыша, как мама выкрикивает мое имя, и это просто пугало меня до смерти, я вбежал туда, сжимал кулаки и заставлял его уйти. Иногда мне кажется, что я его оттолкнул ».
За несколько месяцев до того, как застрелить Леннона, Чепмен действительно думал об убийстве своего отца.
Как выразился Чепмен: «Я собирался полететь в Атланту, ворваться в дом, зайти в комнату, приставить к нему пистолет и сказать ему, что я думаю о нем. И он собирался заплатить за то, что он делал с моей матерью… Я собирался оторвать ему голову ».
Но этот план так и не был реализован. То же самое и с его планами убийства других знаменитостей, в том числе еще одного бывшего битла, Пола Маккартни, Жаклин Кеннеди Онассис, Элизабет Тейлор, Джонни Карсона, Джорджа К. Скотта и Рональда Рейгана.
Так что же заставило Чепмена стать человеком, который застрелил Джона Леннона?
Wikimedia Commons Том Снайдер берет интервью у Джона Леннона в программе « Завтра» в 1975 году — в последний раз, когда он давал интервью по телевидению.
Когда Чепмену было всего 14 лет, он уже начал употреблять наркотики и регулярно прогуливал школу. Он утверждал, что над ним издевались другие дети, и именно поэтому у него было так много пропусков — включая двухнедельный период, когда он жил на улицах Атланты.
Как ни странно, человек, застреливший Джона Леннона, всегда был фанатом Битлз — и даже однажды сказал другу после продолжительной ЛСД-поездки, что, по его мнению, он стал Ленноном.
«Я всегда хотел быть битлом», — сказал он. «Я всегда думал, чувак, каково быть битлом?»
Но интервью 1966 года лондонской Evening Standard , в котором Леннон провозгласил, что его группа стала «более популярной, чем Иисус», испортило обожание Чепмена Леннону. Школьный товарищ Майлз Макманус вспомнил, как Чепмен изменил слова «Представь» на «Представь, если бы Джон был мертв».
Став возрожденным пресвитерианином в 1971 году и работая вожатым летнего лагеря в Джорджии, Чепмен прочитал « Над пропастью во ржи» Дж. Сэлинджера. Его особенно привлекал главный герой романа Холден Колфилд.
«Я действительно отождествлял себя с ним», — сказал Чепмен Гейнсу во время посещения исправительного учреждения Аттики через три года после смерти Джона Леннона. «Его бедственное положение, его одиночество, его отчуждение от общества».
В 1977 году Чепмен переехал на Гавайи и в конце концов впал в глубокую депрессию. Это привело бы к неудачной попытке самоубийства до того, как Чепмен встретил Глорию Абэ, туристического агента, на которой он женился два года спустя.
Гейнс утверждал, что после того, как Чепмен прочитал книгу Энтони Фосетта « Джон Леннон: один день за раз» в 1980 году, «10-летняя одержимость Чепмена The Beatles переросла в ненависть, в частности, к Джону Леннону».
Чепмен считал, что Леннон был «позером», который «поддерживал добродетели и идеалы, которых он не практиковал». К октябрю Чепмен уволился с работы охранника, записавшись как Джон Леннон в свой последний день. Затем он приготовился к роковой поездке в Нью-Йорк.
Becoming a person
Chapman Mark David, whose biography begancompletely unremarkable, led the ordinary life of a child from a poor American family. At about 10 years old he had the first significant passion: he recognized and loved the music of The Beatles. Now, in moments of peace in the soul, he set their music for the inhabitants of his fictional world, but if war reigned in the house, then atomic bomb exploded in Chapman’s world, and little people died by millions.
Such an autistic type did not have the ability to easilyTo converge with peers, but to avoid persecution and ridicule at school, Mark sought to «be like everyone else.» Already at the age of 14 he began to smoke marijuana, began to skip school, was looking for freedom and self-realization. At this time, he leaves the house for a week. The guy is looking for his way, he passionately wants to be loved and admired by him, and for this he is ready for much.

Meet the Wife of Mark David Chapman
Mark David Chapman was married to Gloria Chapman at the time of the incident. Gloria recalls that December 8, 1980, was the darkest day of her life, stating that it was the worst day of her life.
Mrs. Mark David Chapman was suddenly transformed into Killer’s wife on that day, and she had no idea how it happened. She had returned home from work like she would have on any other day of the week.
When she heard the news of the death of the music legend, she had no doubts that her husband would be found to be the perpetrator of the crime.
Despite the fact that he had committed a felony, she had stated that she intended to remain married to Mark. Their travels to the New York prisons where Chapman has served his sentence have been increasingly frequent over the years.
Recent Years
After more than three decades at the Wende Correctional Facility in New York, in August 2012, Chapman entered his seventh parole hearing. He was denied parole yet again and ordered to remain at Wende. During the hearing, Chapman told the parole board that he was ashamed of committing murder. «So this is obviously very embarrassing for me now, having committed murder,» he said, according to NBC News. He also stated that he had considered killing Johnny Carson or George C. Scott instead of Lennon, but chose the former Beatle star because he was the most famous. «If was less famous than three or four other people on the list, he would not have been shot,» Chapman said.
Chapman was denied parole for the eighth time in 2014, and for the tenth time in 2018. «The panel has determined that your release would be incompatible with the welfare and safety of society,» wrote the state Board of Parole in a letter explaining their reasoning that year.
He remains married to Abe, who makes the 5,000-mile flight from Hawaii to visit. Abe has noted that she hopes Ono will be able to forgive her husband.
- Birth Year: 1955
- Birth date: May 10, 1955
- Birth State: Texas
- Birth City: Fort Worth
- Birth Country: United States
- Gender: Male
- Best Known For: Mark David Chapman is best known for murdering John Lennon outside of the musician’s New York City apartment building in 1980.
- Industries
- Crime and Terrorism
- Music
- Astrological Sign: Taurus
- So this is obviously very embarrassing for me now, having committed murder.
- If was less famous than three or four other people on the list, he would not have been shot.