Micaela ramazzotti age, net worth, height, affair, and more

Micaela ramazzotti

Micaela Ramazzotti Net Worth and Income Source

Some people measure success by the number of awards they have won, but for many others it is about their net worth. Money can’t buy happiness but it sure does help when you’re living life in luxury. Celebrities are no exception to this rule and some of them have had a pretty successful careers.

Do you wonder how much money Micaela Ramazzotti has? Well, here we will provide information on where Micaela Ramazzotti getting her money from and just how wealthy she is. They may not look like they’re that rich, but these stars are definitely living the high life with some pretty impressive wealth!

What is the net worth of Micaela Ramazzotti? In 2022, the net worth of Micaela Ramazzotti’s has increased significantly. We will discuss Micaela Ramazzotti’s source of income, net worth, salary here. Actress is her main source of income.

Wondering about the net worth of Micaela Ramazzotti? How much money does she make, you might think? But there are many controversies in this area that have been added to what we know for sure; such as salary and assets changing from time to time which can lead people into thinking one thing then soon after find out something else entirely different – even though their initial assumptions may only be accurate parts way through.

Micaela Ramazzotti’s net worth is $1M – $5M.

Source of Income


Net Worth (2022)

$1M – $5M

Micaela Ramazzotti Biography

Micaela Ramazzotti was born on a Wednesday, January 17, 1979 in Rome. Her birth name is Micaela Ramazzotti and she is currently 44 years old. People born on January 17 fall under the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Her zodiac animal is Goat.

Micaela Ramazzotti is an Italian actress. Her film credits include Non prendere impegni stasera, The First Beautiful Thing and The Big Heart of the Girls. Ramazzotti was a regular cast member of the show Crimini bianchi.

Her first on-screen role was as Zora in Zora the Vampire.

Continue to the next page to see Micaela Ramazzotti net worth, popularity trend, new videos and more.

Last update: December 2023

How Much Net Worth Does Micaela Ramazzotti Earn?

According to the source CELEBRITY NET WORTH, Micaela Ramazzotti has an estimated net worth of $10 million. She earned her income from being a successful acting professional.

Micaela Ramazzotti has been featured in several magazines. (Source: Instagram)

Her husband Paolo Virzi’s film La prima cosa beautiful, directed by him, was released in theaters in January 2010. Both critics and viewers perceive the movie to be successful.

Actress Ramazzotti plays the character of Francesca in the 2011 comedy The Big Heart of the Girls, directed by Pupi Avati, which premiered at the Rome International Film Festival. 

Micaela appeared as the main character in the Pupi Avati-directed television Drama A wedding in 2014. The Actress and Flavio Parenti, who play two young Bologna citizens, provide the voices for these characters in the story.

Actress Micaela played the lead role in the wildly successful movie The Mad Joy in 2016, which has become very popular.

Ramazzotti performs the character of Maria in the Sebastiano Riso-directed film A family, which is up for the Golden Lion at the 74th Venice Film Festival in 2017.

Also read: Who Is Vanessa Matsui Husband Kourosh Keshiri? Kids Family And Net Worth

Micaela Ramazzotti Short Bio

Many people are fascinated by celebrities and their personal lives. Whether it’s your favorite actor or a famous musician, there is always something new to learn about them!

What do you think of when you hear the word «celebrity»? Most people will automatically say that they think of someone who has achieved fame somehow, shape or form. But what does this mean? Is it just actors and musicians that are classified as celebrities?

The answer is no! There are all sorts of people who have acquired celebrity status for various reasons: athletes, politicians, entrepreneurs, etc. This article will be exploring what makes these individuals stars in the eyes of society and how they got to where they are today.

You may know Micaela Ramazzotti as a celebrity, but have you ever wondered what her full name is, or where she was born? In this section, we’ll be taking a look at the full name, nickname, age, birthplace, and citizenship of Micaela Ramazzotti. We hope you enjoy it!

Micaela Ramazzotti’s full name is Micaela Ramazzotti and her nickname is Micaela Ramazzotti. She was born in Rome on 1979-01-17. Micaela Ramazzotti is Italian by birth.

Full Real Name

Micaela Ramazzotti

Age (2022)




Born Place




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Родилась 17 января 1979 года в Риме. В 13 лет оказалась в мире шоу-бизнеса, снимаясь в фотороманах для недельного подросткового журнала «Cioè».

Свою актерскую карьеру начала в 1999 году с фильма Массимо Мартелли «Впервые». В этом же году сыграла небольшую роль в фильме Пупи Авати «Дорога ангелов». В следующем году снялась в комедии ужасов братьев Манетти «Зора-вампирша» (2000), сыграв главную роль в партнерстве с Карло Вердоне, который также выступил продюсером фильма.

В возрасте 27 лет переехала в Лондон, где работала официанткой, однако вскоре вернулась обратно, поскольку ей предложили роль Вероники в фильме Джанлуки Таварелли «Ничего не обещай сегодня вечером» (2006). Фильм был показан на 63-м Венецианском международном кинофестивале, где получил «Приз компании Wella». На фестивале познакомилась с режиссёром Паоло Вирдзи, который предложил ей роль в его будущем фильме «Вся жизнь впереди» (2008), за которую она впервые была номинирована на итальянскую национальную кинопремию «Давид ди Донателло» как лучшая актриса второго плана.

В 2010 году снялась в партнёрстве со Стефанией Сандрелли и Валерио Мастандреа в комедийном фильме Паоло Вирдзи «Первое прекрасное». За роль главной героини Анны Микелуччи в молодом возрасте, которую сыграла Стефания Сандрелли, получила премию «Давид ди Донателло» как лучшая актриса, свою первую «Серебряную ленту» от Итальянского национального синдиката киножурналистов и Итальянский «Золотой глобус».

В 2016 году сыграла одну из главных ролей в кинокомедии «Между нами, девочками» Кристины Коменчини. В 2017 году совместно с Элио Джермано, Джованной Медзоджорно и Ренато Карпентьери снялась в драме Джанни Амелио «Нежность», за роль Микелы в котором была номинирована в 2018 году на соискание премии «Давид ди Донателло» в категории «Лучшая актриса второго плана». В том же году сыграла роль Марии в фильме режиссёра Себастьяно Ризо «Семья», который принимал участие в главной конкурсной программе 74-го Венецианского кинофестиваля, соревнуясь за «Золотого льва».

As of 2023, Micaela Ramazzotti is married to Paolo Virzì.


Micaela Ramazzotti is an Italian actress. Her film credits include Non prendere impegni stasera, The First Beautiful Thing and The Big Heart of the Girls. Ramazzotti was a regular cast member of the show Crimini bianchi. Her first on-screen role was as Zora in Zora the Vampire.

Real Name
Micaela Ramazzotti
TV Actress
Place of Birth
Rome, Italy
Date of Birth
January 17, 1979 (age 44)
Birth Sign
Marital Status
Paolo Virzì

Fun Fact: On the day of Micaela Ramazzotti’s birth, «Le Freak» by Chic was the number 1 song on The Billboard Hot 100 and Jimmy Carter (Democratic) was the U.S. President.

Micaela Ramazzotti’s husband is Paolo Virzì. They got married in 2008. Micaela had at least 1 relationship in the past. Micaela Ramazzotti has not been previously engaged. She married Paolo Virzì in 2009. According to our records, she has 2 children.

Нежность (2017) (La tenerezza)

Драма, Зарубежный фильм

tagHD 1080

Режиссер: Джанни Амелио

В ролях: Элио Джермано, Микаела Рамаццотти, Джованна Меццоджорно

Лоренцо – бывший профессиональный адвокат и мизантроп по жизни. Так сложилось, что он не любит никого в своей жизни, даже детей. Любое вторжение в его личное пространство тут же встречается в штыки, а заканчивается грандиозным скандалом. Вокруг себя он установил невидимые барьеры, за нарушение которых всем грозит жестокое наказание. Но однажды его жизнь круто меняется. Всё началось с заселения новых соседей в лице милой пары и их детей. Почему-то именно к этим людям Лоренцо проникается доверием, а вскоре и нежностью. Он окружает соседских детишек любовью и лаской. И, казалось бы, что в этом может быть такого трагического.

Неполная фильмография

  •  : La Prima Volta по Массимо Мартелла  : Norma
  •  : Виа дельи Анджели , Пупи Авати  : Норма
  •  : Vacanze di Natale 2000 , Карло Ванзина  : Глада
  •  : Вампира Зора от Марко и Антонио Манетти  : Зора
  •  : Сексуальная комедия по Клаудио Бигагли  : Giulia
  •  : Sexum superando: Изабелла Морра от Марта Бифано  : Изабелла ди Морра
  •  : Non prisere impegni stasera , Джанлука Мария Таварелли  : Вероника
  •  : Tutta la vita davanti , Паоло Вирци  : Соня
  •  : Ce n’è per tutti , Лучано Мельчионна  (оно)  : Иса
  •  : Вопрос de cœur ( Questione di cuore ) Франчески Арчибуги  : Россана
  •  : La прима коза Беллы от Паоло Вирзи  : Анна Nigiotti в MIchelucci
  •  : Большое сердце женщины (Il cuore grande delle ragazze) , Пупи Авати  : Франческа Ости
  •  : Пости в Piedi в Paradiso по Карло Вердон  : Глория
  •  : Bellas Mariposas по Salvatore Mereu  : La Coga Aleni
  •  : Ваше отсутствие ( Anni felici ) Даниэле Лучетти  : Серена
  •  : Мезонот ( Piu buio di mezzanotte ) Себастьяно Ризо  : Рита
  •  : Il Нома дель FIGLIO по Франческа Archibugi  : Simona
  •  : Ho ucciso Napoleone , Джорджия Фарина  : Анита
  •  : Безумный от радости ( La Pazza gioia ) Паоло Вирци  : Донателла Морелли
  •  : Qualcosa di nuovo от Кристины Коменчини  : Мария
  •  : Una Famiglia по Себастьяно Riso  : Maria
  •  : La tenerezza от Джанни Амелио  : Микела
  •  : Una Storia Senza нома от Роберто Андо
  •  : Vivere от Франчески Арчибуги
  •  : Gli anni più belli от Габриэле Муччино

Микеле Плачидо сейчас

В начале 2011 года Микеле Плачидо участвует в фильме «Любовь: инструкция по применению». На съёмочной площадке вместе с ним работают такие легенды голливудского кино, как Моника Беллуччи (Monica Bellucci) и Роберт Де Ниро (Robert De Niro). Картина рассказывает о высоком чувстве, которое не подвластно времени и способно прийти как в молодости, так и в старости.

В 2016 году по специальному приглашению Микеле Плачидо приезжал в Москву для участия в программе «Пусть говорят».


По итогам программы был снят сюжет под названием «Все тайны комиссара Каттани. Тридцать лет спустя». Также актёр успел поучаствовать в программе «Доброе утро».

Летом 2016 года Микеле получил приглашение на фестиваль «Мост искусств», который был организован в Ростове-на-Дону. На нём актёр получает приз за лучшую режиссёрскую работу в картине «Выборг». Вместе с ним на фестивале присутствовали такие звёзды, как Марк Дакаскос (Mark Dacascos) и Эмир Кустурица (Emir Kusturica).

В феврале 2017 года на телевизионных экранах канал «Мир 24» запустил сериал «Спрут» в цветном формате в дань почтения великому актёру. Это был знак, что российская публика ценит и любит творчество Микеле Плачидо и в настоящее время.

Who is Micaela Ramazzotti dating?

Micaela Ramazzotti is currently married to Paolo Virzì. The couple started dating in 2008 and have been together for around 15 years, 11 months, and 24 days.

The Italian TV Actress was born in Rome on January 17, 1979. TV actress who starred in La Tenerezza and A Family in 2017. She has over 70,000 followers on her micaelaramazzotti Instagram account.

About the relationship

As of 2023, Micaela Ramazzotti’s husband is Paolo Virzì. They began dating sometime in 2008. She is a Capricorn and he is a Pisces. The most compatible signs with Capricorn are considered to be Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces, while the least compatible signs with Capricorn are generally considered to be Aries and Libra. Paolo Virzì is 59 years old, while Micaela is 44 years old. According to CelebsCouples, Micaela Ramazzotti had at least 1 relationship before this one. She has not been previously engaged.

Micaela Ramazzotti and Paolo Virzì have been dating for approximately 15 years, 11 months, and 24 days.

Fact: Micaela Ramazzotti is turning 45 years old in

Micaela Ramazzotti Age and Birth Information

Do you know, how old is Micaela Ramazzotti? Here we will be discussing Micaela Ramazzotti’s age and her date of birth. In order to figure out the answer to the question posed in the title, you will need to look at Micaela Ramazzotti’s date of birth as well as her age. There are many different factors that can affect how quickly or slowly someone ages such as genetics, skin type, and health.

For example, a person with olive skin is more likely to show signs of aging faster than someone with fair skin because there is less pigment protecting them from sun damage.

Through my research on Micaela Ramazzotti who has aged gracefully over time, it seems like she shares some similar habits which include wearing sunscreen daily even if she is not outside much and taking good care of her hair regularly.

Are you interested to know about Micaela Ramazzotti’s age and others birth information? In this section, we will reveal is Birthplace, Birthday, Age, Current Location, Hometown, etc.

Micaela Ramazzotti was born on 1979-01-17. Her birthplace is Rome. Micaela Ramazzotti is 43 years old in 2022. Below the table, you can find all the information about her birthday.

Date of Birth


Age (2022)



Update Soon

Micaela Ramazzotti Filmography

Title Year Status Character Role
La prima cosa bella 2010 Anna Nigiotti in Michelucci – 1971-1981 Actress
Ce n’è per tutti 2009 Isa Actress
Le segretarie del sesto 2009 TV Movie Giovanna Actress
Crimini bianchi 2008-2009 TV Series Chiara Rinaldi Actress
Questione di cuore 2009 Rossana Actress
Tutta la vita davanti 2008 Sonia Actress
L’ultimo padrino 2008 TV Movie Eleonora Massa alias ‘Fiore’ Actress
Una piccola fortuna 2007 Short Actress
R.I.S. – Delitti imperfetti 2007 TV Series Sara Melli Actress
Il mio amico Babbo Natale 2 2006 TV Movie Livia Actress
Non prendere impegni stasera 2006 Veronica Actress
Sexum superando: Isabella Morra 2005 Isabella Di Morra Actress
Gli occhi dell’amore 2005 TV Movie Miki Actress
Un anno a primavera 2005 TV Movie Marta Actress
Amanti e segreti 2004 TV Mini-Series Cristiana Actress
La sagoma 2003 Short Actress
Blindati 2003 TV Movie Actress
Cuori rubati 2002 TV Series Eleonora Rossi Actress
Don Matteo 2001 TV Series Actress
Commedia sexy 2001 Giulia Actress
Zora la vampira 2000 Zora Actress
Vacanze di Natale 2000 1999 Giada (as Michaela Ramazzotti) Actress
La via degli angeli 1999 Actress
La prima volta 1999 Norma Actress
Una donna per amico 1998 TV Mini-Series Actress
Una Famiglia 2017 filming Maria Actress
Qualcosa di nuovo 2016 Maria Actress
La pazza gioia 2016 Donatella Morelli Actress
La tentazione di essere felice 2016 Michela Actress
Ho ucciso Napoleone 2015 Anita Actress
Il nome del figlio 2015 Simona Actress
Più buio di mezzanotte 2014 Rita, la madre di Davide Actress
Un matrimonio 2013-2014 TV Mini-Series Francesca Osti Actress
Anni felici 2013 Serena Actress
Bellas mariposas 2012 La Coga Aleni Actress
Posti in piedi in paradiso 2012 Gloria Actress
Il cuore grande delle ragazze 2011 Francesca Osti Actress
La prima cosa bella 2010 performer: “L’eternità” Soundtrack
Ferite a morte 2014 TV Movie documentary thanks Thanks
OffStage – Interviste dal Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia 2016 TV Series Herself Self
David di Donatello 2014 TV Movie Herself Self
Walt Disney e l’Italia – Una storia d’amore 2014 Documentary Herself Self
Carlo! 2012 Documentary Herself Self
Il backstage ritrovato – Dolce vita mambo! 2010 Documentary short voice Self
Io canto 2010 TV Series Herself Self
Parla con me 2009 TV Series Herself Self
Quelli che… il calcio 2008-2009 TV Series Herself Self
Dietro a ‘Tutta la vita davanti’ 2008 Video short Herself Self
Siamo Stati Uniti 2007 TV Series Herself – Guest Self

Тень Караваджо (2022) (L’ombra di Caravaggio)

Биография, Драма, Зарубежный фильм, Исторический

tagHD 1080, tagHD 720

Режиссер: Микеле Плачидо

В ролях: Риккардо Скамарчио, Микаела Рамаццотти, Луи Гаррель

Обвиненный в убийстве соперника и приговоренный к смертной казни Караваджо бежит из Рима в Неаполь. Когда до папы Павла V доходит слух, что талантливый художник бросает вызов церкви, используя в качестве моделей для написания библейских сюжетов нищих, проституток и воров, тот обращается к секретной службе Ватикана. В Неаполь с расследованием направляется Тень, тайный посланник, в чьих руках теперь находится судьба скандального гения.

Micaela Ramazzotti Wife and Affair

Do you ever wonder how celebrities get away with their relationships? What are some of the things they do and don’t do to keep them a secret? It’s not easy, especially when your significant other is in another country. There are many things that can go wrong if someone finds out about it.

Are you curious about Micaela Ramazzotti’s relationship with her significant other? Do you want to know with whom she is dating, when did she break up, or what is going on in her love life? You have come to the right place. We will provide all the latest gossip about Micaela Ramazzotti’s relationships and affairs.

This section is focused on Micaela Ramazzotti’s current affair. Who is she dating, how long have they been together, and any juicy details that we can find out about her will be found here! If this sounds like a topic that interests you then read the full article.

Micaela Ramazzotti had a relationship with Paolo Virzì.

Marital Status


Dating With?

Paolo Virzì

Актёрская деятельность в киноиндустрии

About Micaela Ramazzotti

Micaela Ramazzotti was born on the 17th of January, 1979 (Generation X). Generation X, known as the «sandwich» generation, was born between 1965 and 1980. They are lodged in between the two big well-known generations, the Baby Boomers and the Millennials. Unlike the Baby Boomer generation, Generation X is focused more on work-life balance rather than following the straight-and-narrow path of Corporate America.

Micaela was born in the 1970s. The 1970s were an era of economic struggle, cultural change, and technological innovation. The Seventies saw many women’s rights, gay rights, and environmental movements.

Micaela Ramazzotti is best known for being a TV Actress. TV actress who starred in La Tenerezza and A Family in 2017. She has over 70,000 followers on her micaelaramazzotti Instagram account. She acted alongside Valeria Bruni Tedeschi in Like Crazy in 2016.

Micaela Ramazzotti’s Spouse
Paolo Virzì
Started Dating

Net Worth and Income Source of Micaela Ramazzotti

The world of celebrities is a fascinating one. It’s always interesting to see how much money they have, from the most famous actors and musicians to the richest people on earth.

SuperStar Fact is an online resource that provides you with all the information you need about your favorite stars and their net worth. We provide detailed data on salaries, earnings, investments, properties, and more so that you can find out who has made it big in the world!

Do you want to know what the net worth of Micaela Ramazzotti is? Then, let’s talk about his net worth.

Micaela Ramazzotti Net Worth is $1M – $5M (2022). His primary income source is Actor.

Income Source


Net Worth (2022)

$1M – $5M

Micaela Ramazzotti Husband & Relationship

Micaela keeps his personal and romantic life to himself. Keep checking back as we will continue to add new relationship details to this page. Let’s look at her previous relationships, ex-girlfriends, and hookups. She prefers not to discuss her marital status or divorce.

Despite her heroic efforts, our writer eventually discovers all of these details. She is married, but we know who her husband is. The author is figuring out how to navigate Micaela’s wedding website.

Headshot Photo

Despite the fact that information about her boyfriend’s husband isn’t published in any weekly magazines, I’ll discuss him in this unit. After looking at her Instagram, we discovered she is married. Paolo Virz is the name of her husband. In 2009, they married.

More images feature or are related to her husband. This page will be updated as soon as new information becomes available in order to provide you with more information.

Между нами, девочками (2018) (Qualcosa di nuovo)

Зарубежный фильм, Комедия

tagHD 720

Режиссер: Кристина Коменчини

В ролях: Паола Кортеллези, Микаела Рамаццотти, Эдуардо Вальдарнини

Мария и Лучия являются лучшими подругами еще со школьной парты. У девушек абсолютно противоположные характеры. Лучия строгая и правильная, она ненавидит нарушать правила и живет по инструкции родителей. Мария невероятно харизматичная и оптимистичная. Время шло, а женская дружба только окрепла. Девушки учатся жить и строить отношения. Лучия неудачно вышла замуж и скоропостижно развелась. С этих пор, она закрылась и не впускает в свою жизнь мужчин. Мария настолько раскрепостилась, что не пропускает ни одного молодого человека и резво меняет половых партнеров. Жизнь девушек изменилась, когда появился девятнадцатилетний юноша Лука.


Микаэла Рамазотти родилась 17 января 1979 г.в Риме. В тринадцать лет она снялась в фото-романах для детского журнала «Cioè». Она дебютировала в 1999 году в молодежном фильме Массимо Мартелла «Прима вольта » , продюсером которого выступила « Пупи Авати» , в котором она впоследствии сыграла небольшую роль в фильме «Виа дельи Анджели» (1999). В 2000 году ее выбрали на роль в фильме «Вампира Зора», где она и есть Зора . После работы в 2001 году для Клаудио Бигальи в Commedia sexy , Микаэла Рамазотти начала сниматься для телевидения, в частности, с Una donna per amico (2001), Gli occhi dell’amore (2001), RIS — Delitti Imperfetti (2007), L ‘ultimo. падрино (2008).

В 2005 году в фильме «Sexum Superando» — «Изабелла Морра» режиссера Марты Бифано она вернулась в кино. В 2006 году за фильмом последовал фильм « Non prisere impegni tonsera » Джанлуки Марии Таварелли , представленный в том же году на Венецианском кинофестивале , где актриса получила приз «Wella Cinema Donna Prize». В 2008 году с Тутта ла вита davanti от Паоло Вирзи , она достигла известности. В 2009 году она вышла замуж за Паоло Вирзи , от которого родила двоих детей.

Micaela Ramazzotti’s Visit Micaela Ramazzotti Website

Micaela Ramazzotti Being one of the most popular celebrities on Social Media, Micaela Ramazzotti’s has own website also has one of the most advanced WordPress designs on Micaela website. When you land on herwebsite you can see all the available options and categories in the navigation menu at the top of the page. However, only if you scroll down you can actually experience the kind of masterpiece that her website actually is.
The website of Micaela Ramazzotti has a solid responsive theme and it adapts nicely to any screens size. Do you already wonder what it is based on?
Micaela Ramazzotti has a massive collection of content on this site and it’s mind-blowing. Each of the boxes that you see on her page above is actually a different content Provides you various information. Make sure you experience this masterpiece website in action Visit it on below link
You Can Visit her Website, by click on below link

First Name

Micaela Ramazzotti

Complete Family Name
Micaela Ramazzotti

Date of Birth
17 January 1979

Birth Day
17 January

Birth Years

Birth Place
Rome, Italy

Birth City

Birth Country


Being Updated

Being Updated

Sun sign, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign

Famous As

Also Known for


Years active

Started Career In

How Old she was when she started her career?
she was only Years old when she started her career as Actor

1.60 m (5 ft 3 in)

Not Known

Chest Size
Not Known

Waist Size
Being Updated

Shoe Size
Being Updated

Hair Color
Being Updated

Eye Color
Being Updated

Body Type
Being Updated

Sexual Orientation
Being Updated

Paolo Virzì,


Paola Quattrini


Piero Natoli

Antonella Lualdi

Carla Vistarini,

Being Updated

Being Updated

What was Howland Chamberlain’s marital status? (Single, Engaged, Married, Fiancée in Relation or Divorce)
Being Updated

was Howland Chamberlain having any relationship affair?
Being Updated

Who was Howland Chamberlain’s girlfriend/Boyfriend?
Being Updated

Premio Regia Televisiva

Being Updated

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Visit Micaela Ramazzotti Website

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

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Not Available

Not Available

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: